Geography - AGES 2.5 - 6

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Mã sản phẩm: GAMTADL
geography ages 2 5 6
Tel: 028.6293.4777 Hotline: 0909.009.306 Tư Vấn Setup Trường Montessori

Montessori lesson in geography

Ages: 2.5 - 6 years old

The lesson plan includes: 146 pages 

The lesson plan includes the following lessons:


Geography - Introduction - Overview
Geology - Introduction - Material - Things
Geography - Abbreviations - Images
Geography - Map - Introduction
Geography - Map - Activities - Simplified Map Drawing
Geography - Map - Activities - Map of the Shelves
Geography - Mapping - Activity - Mapping Room (School)
Geography - Mapping - Activity - Mapping Room (House)
Geography - Mapping - Activity - Making Street Maps
Geography - Directions - Introduction
Geography - Directions - Activities - Where is the North
Geography - Activities - Compass
Geography - Direction - Activities - Search East West North
Geography - Directions - Activities - Mapping Treasures
Geology - Earth - Air - Water - Introduction
Geology - Earth - Water - Air - Tray Objects
Geography - Earth - Water - Air - Photo Vol
Geography - Land - Water - Air - Transportation
Geography - Earth - Air - Water - Activities - Animals
Geology - Earth - Introducing Earth is where we live
Geology - Earth - Introduction to Earth Geometry
Geography - Earth - Earth Ground (Earth and Water)
Geology - Earth - Earth Charter Activities
Geology - Earth - Planet Earth
Geology - Earth - Introduction - Montessori Wood Map
Geography - Earth - Activities - World Map
Geography - Earth - Activities - Poster About the World
Geography - Earth - Activities - Africa - Card 3 Part
Geography - Topography - Introduction
Geography - Geography - Activities
Geography - Topography - Activities - 3 sections
Topography - Direction - Part 3
Geography - Geography - Activities - Booklets
Geography - Geography - Activities - Geography
Geography - Geography - Introduction
Geography - Geography - Activities - Mark
Geography - Geography - Activities - Color
Geography - Geography - Activities - Labels
Geography - Geography - Activities - Spit it out
Geography - Studies in Specific Regions - Introduction - Maps of the World
Geography - Specific Geography - Activities - Tray Items
Geography - Specific Geographical Research - Activity - Picture Bucket
Geography - Specific European Studies - Activities - Music
Geography - Specific Geographical Research - Activity - Art
Geography - Studies in Specific Regions - Activities - Animals / Plants on a Map of Europe
Geography - Specific National Study - Introduction to National Maps